Liz hates /s/ doing the laundry. She realizes /iz/
that four weeks /s/ have passed since
her last trip to the laundromat. There are piles /z/
of clothes /s/ in the closets /s/,
the sheets /s/ and towels /z/
are dirty. She’s /z/ been wearing the
same pair of blue jeans /s/ for nine days/z/,
and she doesn’t /z/ have any clean socks
/s/ or blouses /iz/
left. She thinks /s/ about it while
she watches /iz/ one of her
favorite TV shows /z/. She wishes
/iz/ she didn’t have to do such chores /z/.
Then she opens /s/ a book, turns
/s/ the pages /iz/, and tries /z/
to study. The phone rings /s/: one of Liz’s /z/ friends /s/ reminds
/s/ her about Sally’s /z/ party tomorrow
evening. She decides /s/ that its /s/ now
or never. She can’t go to the party unless she washes /iz/ one
of her new dresses /iz/. She stuffs /s/ all
her clothes /s/ into two laundry bags /z/. She stripes
/s/ the bed and pulls /z/ the pillowcases
/iz/ off the pillows /s/. She goes
/z/ through the apartment, picking up everything in sight.
Finally, she grabs /s/ some coat hangers /z/, two boxes
/iz/ of detergent, and her keys /z/, and closes
/z/ the door behind her. She hopes /s/ she
won’t be too late. She arrives /s/ at the laundromat, carries
/z/ in all her belongings /s/, and searches
/iz/ for some empty machines /s/. But they’re
all either in use or out of order. She sighs /z/, picks up /s/ everything,
and drives /s/ to the local video store to rent a
couple of movies /z/.
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